Old Files for Reuse

Register for Nerf Night

In-House Tournament
Mark your calendars for February 9th!

Get ready for regional and world tournaments with the Tune-Up Tournament here in our studio.

Open to all ages, ranks, and classes.
Start practicing your forms and sparring now!
Register Now

Join us for NERF Night on Valentines Weekend!

A fun evening with NERF games and Pizza:

Saturday Feb. 12th - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Total cost is $40 per child.

This is a NERF Rival event so bring your

best NERF Rival guns and a face shield.

We have a few you can borrow if you don't own one.

We provide all the ammo!

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today!

Get ready for the first ever Region 18 & 21 

Caribbean Super-Regional Tournament

Mark your calendars for Feb. 13th, 2021.

This tournament will bring students from dozens of karate schools to compete here in Orlando!!!

We are hosting this tournament from schools from GA and FL,
as well as Puerto Rico, Aruba, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua! 

Region 21 Black Belt Camp & Black Belt Test

June 5-7th 2020

Camp John Hope

Open to all students Red w/stripe and above

Check out all the info now on the

Hwarang Dan League

Check out all the info now on the

The Region 21 Fall Tournament
and Black Belt Test in New Port Richey!

Mark your calendars for October 23-25th!

Friday Night: Black Belt Test
Saturday Morning/Afternoon: Promotions and Training Clinic
Saturday Evening: Beach Party
Sunday Morning: Advanced Training (for E Dan and above)

Black Belt Clinic

June 13th, 2021 8:45 AM - 1:30 PM

Annual attendance at Black Belt Camp is required for all Black Belt

students and for Cho Dan Bos as part of the normal testing cycle.

Due to Covid, we are doing a 1-day clinic here at the studio instead.

We are very excited for this event, and we are bringing in

instructors from around the region to assist in the teaching!

Registration is $40 and includes lunch!

Sign Up Here
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